How to apply PAN-TAN-DIN-DSC-CIN?

How to Apply for PAN online through NSDL wesite


PAN stands for Permanent Account Number in its entire form. The Department of Income Tax issues the PAN card, which has 10 alphanumeric digits. Applying for a PAN card online is facilitated by the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL)website through Protean eGov Technologies Limited. or the UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Limited (UTIITSL) website. Both platforms have explicit authorization from the Government of India to issue PAN cards and handle necessary changes or corrections on behalf of the Income Tax Department

How to Apply for PAN through UTISIL website

How to apply DIN NO;              

DIN stands for Director Identification Number is a unique 8 digit number allotted by the Central Government to any person intending to be a Director or an existing director of a company.

Obtain DIN by filing form DIN-1 on the MCA website. The application for allotment of DIN has to be made in eForm DIR-3.  DIN number is mandatory for any person intending to register a Private Limited Company or Limited Company or One Person Company (OPC) in India and be a part of the Board of Directors.  DIN is specific to a person, which means even if he is a director in two or more companies, he has to obtain only one DIN. And if he leaves a company and joins some other, the same DIN would work in the other company as well.  DIN numbers do not have an expiry date and no further compliance formalities are required for maintaining the validity of a DIN number.

DPIN:  Designated partner identification number

DPIN can be obtained for any person who wants to register an LLP or become a Designated Partner of an existing LLP.  an existing Limited Liability Partnership must submit a Form DIR-3 to obtain a DPIN on the MCA website.  acquire a Class 2 digital signature before you can become a Designated Partner.Two or more people must be designated as Designated Partners and receive DPIN at the time the LLP is registered. It is mandatory for LLP to have 2 Designated Partners.

How to apply TAN   

Tax Deduction Account Number or Tax Collection Account Number is a 10 -digit alpha-numeric number. TAN is issued by the Income-tax Department.                                            


Registrars of Companies  appointed under Section 609 of the Companies Act covering the various States and Union Territories. ROC is vested with the primary duty of registering companies and LLPs in the respective states and the Union Territories and ensuring that such companies and LLPs comply with statutory requirements under the Act                                             


The Ministry is primarily concerned with administration of the Companies Act 2013, the Companies Act 1956, the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 & other allied Acts and rules & regulations framed there-under mainly for regulating the functioning of the corporate sector in accordance with law. Besides, it exercises supervision over the three professional bodies, namely, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India(ICAI), Institute of Company Secretaries of India(ICSI) and the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI) which are constituted under three separate Acts of the Parliament for proper and orderly growth of the professions concerned.                                             

How to apply DSC: Digital Signature Certificate    

     The Information Technology Act, 2000 has provisions for use of Digital Signatures on the documents submitted in electronic form in order to ensure the security and authenticity of the documents filed electronically. This is secure and authentic way to submit a document electronically. Certification Agencies are appointed by the office of the Controller of Certification Agencies (CCA) under the provisions of IT Act, 2000. There are a total of eight Certification Agencies authorised by the CCA to issue Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs).            

The details of these Certification Agencies are available on the portal of the Ministry Certifying Authorities                                                                                  

CIN NO:              

  Corporate Identification Number, commonly known as CIN number, is a 21 digit alpha-numerical code that is uniquely provided to One Person Company, Public Company, Private Company, limited liability partnership, governmental organizations government companies, non-governmental organizations, not for profit organizations and so on which are registered by the Registrar of Companies. The CIN number is provided by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) to exclusively identify a company which is controlled and regulated by each state under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and Government of India          

How to apply CIN ?

step-by-step process to know how to apply for CIN Number:

  • Firstly, apply for a DSC (Certificate of Digital Signature) for all the directors if you don’t have one.
  • Secondly, obtain the DIN (Director’s Identification Number) for all the authorised directors.
  • Thirdly, get the name approval of your company. Although, it was done separately earlier. But, now name approval is submitted together with the SPICe+ form. 
  • draft the Memorandum of Association and Article of Association of your company.
  • After that, fill the SPICe+ form for your company with the above documents and details. 
  • Finally, you will receive the CIN number automatically after filling the SPICe+ (INC-32) form.


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